
Why I Write through Grief and Write with Healing in Mind

When my son died last year, I wrote a memoir to write through my grief. Writing about happy or sad things and pushing through the grieving process in regards to any difficult situation can be therapeutic.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I felt I needed an outlet to write through what I was feeling. I chose a local cancer center that had a website to journal through my treatment and healing process. There are many such websites out there for someone to write with healing in mind. Writing with healing in mind encompasses those who are not only fighting cancer, or who have fought cancer and have beat it, but anyone who feels the need to work through any issues they are experiencing by placing words down and writing about those issues.

Spreading the word that writing through grief and writing with healing in mind is a powerful message to those who need an outlet to work through any situation. My mission is to let others know what a valuable tool #WritethroughGrieforWritewithHealinginMind can be.

To learn more, visit #WritethroughGrieforWritewithHealinginMind
on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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